
Harrisburg proposes building an entertainment pavilion in Riverfront Park

Harrisburg proposes building an entertainment pavilion in Riverfront Park

The proposed location of the pavilion in Riverfront Park.

Harrisburg may be getting a new entertainment pavilion in one of its largest parks.

City officials said Harrisburg has applied to the state for grants to build a pavilion in Riverfront Park to be used for city festivals and events.

The City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved the $117,228 grant application from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to build the building.

The proposed multi-purpose pavilion will be built in Riverfront Park near the Civic Club of Harrisburg building off North Street. According to Rebecca Vollmer, director of the city's advancement department, the concrete shell will resemble the pavilion in Italian Lake Park.

The stage would be used for city events such as Kipona, Artsfest, Independence Day and other events and could be rented to the Civic Club and other organizations to generate revenue for the city, Vollmer said.

According to Vollmer, the city currently pays about $17,000 to $21,000 annually for stages for festival entertainment.

If the grant is awarded, the city would have to cover 15% of the total cost of the project, or about $18,000. Vollmer estimates the city could recoup that money within a year through cost savings from not having to rent a stage.

City Council members raised questions about how security and maintenance of the building would be handled. City officials said those details would be worked out when and if the contract is awarded.

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